Saturday, June 1, 2013

Worry! About the high price of International call A simple guideline for making cheap international call

This is a general guide for international traveler to stay connected with their family, friends and relatives. When you plan to travel there is always an intense desire for home. Unfortunately, the international call is very high. But with the phone cards you can make cheap international calls to your country. 

Prepaid Versus Postpaid Calling Cards

Basically there are two types of calling cards systems. One is prepaid another postpaid. Both card has different plans. You should know about the condition.

First, prepaid cards are economical. Prepaid cards enable you to keep your bills I control. In prepaid cards you have to pay advance for a certain talk time and you will be only allowed to make calls until your credit permits you to. After finish your talk time you can’t make another call before pay for more talk time. This can help you save your money and at the same time you can monitor your telephonic expenses.

On the other hand  Postpaid calling cards allow you to make as many calls as you want to with uninterrupted services, but you will be required to make the payment after a certain period of time, depending upon the frequency of calls you have made.

Where to Buy Phone Cards?

Now this is age of internet. You need not to visit a store to pursue a calling card. You can simply visit any online vendor over the Internet and purchase your calling card Once you make the payment online they will send you the PIN number via e-mail or text message so that you can start availing the services There are numerous advantages of buying online phone cards since you can compare the various options and make the right choice.

How to Use Phone Cards?

Now, after choosing the best phone cards and made required  payment, you will receive a pin number and a confirmation message. This PIN number is unique for every calling card and once you have it you can simply start putting your calls through.
Then you have to dial the pin number followed by the destination number that you want to make call. Also remember to dial with the country code. This is how your connection will be established and you can start making cheap international calls using your phone card.

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