In this article, you will learn how you can change your name in pubg mobileif you’re absolutely unhappy with your name there’s a method to modify it 1 time for free please find below the only method that currently exist to modify your player name within the pubg mobile app: step 1: get a free rename card. How do i change name in pubg mobile. In pubg mobile, you can change your character's name within the game using an item called the rename card check your character id from lobby you can check your current character id at the upper right hand corner of the lobby screen.
how do i change name in pubg mobile
10 more things pros do in pubg mobile! (pro tips and tricks) how to change pubg mobile name for free | how to add symbols to your name in pubg mobile - duration:. However changing name in pubg is possible and its very easy thing to do in pubg mobile. but it doesn’t mean that you will be able to find in the setting menu; actually its is not available in setting menu at all. but it available in the game wants to know how to change pubg mobile username? then you are on the right place.. The easiest way to change your name is to buy a rename card. here’s how to do so: go to the pubg mobile shop and select the “others” tab. purchase the rename card. it will set you back 180 bp. if you have not yet updated to pubg version 0.4, doing so will automatically give you a rename card. here’s how to get the card:.
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