Custom match: at least 10 players are required to start the match while this update is on the test servers, only 2 players will be required to start matches _____ hey everyone, pubg 10 update #18 has just been deployed to test servers. Pubg create custom match 10. Want to do a real life prison escape?! now you can! https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=kzin4ubsf_4 https://prisonescapenl/en/ join our steam group to take part.
pubg create custom match 1.0
Hey :d this 1 is for you guys so you can make a custom match with your friends and have fun inside the game if you wanna warm up you can create war mode and go right into with awm and aug and. Playerunknown’s battlegrounds – create and join custom match. with the recent month 1 update, playerunknown’s battlegrounds now has both a test server and a feature where players can create a custom match. the custom match feature is one of the most requested additions (aside from balancing, fps, and reduced lag).. Showing a quick tutorial on how to find, join or create rooms/custom matches. download the game today available on ios and android. backgound music: mixtures....
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