Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Comment Policy

I love to read comments in regards to my posts, so comment away. Keep in mind however that commenting on my blog is not a right but a privilege and being that it is my blog I do feel inclined to practice some form of social responsibility. You don’t have to agree with me to comment, I actually prefer it if you don’t. However keep in mind that when people disagree with regards to topical and personal issues, which include religion and politics, that discourse and dialogue is the way to reach understanding. If your intention is not to reach an understanding but rather to aggressively impose your opinion without taking the time realize the opinions of others, then you probably shouldnt be posting here.

Please be aware of the following:

1- In the spirit of freedom of speech I will not delete or edit a comment unless its prime motivation is clearly to promote or elicit racism, sexism, or other forms of hatred which include hatred directed towards religious beliefs. If you wish to discuss religion please do so without insulting or vilifying the faith or it’s followers. (Yes this is a Tech blog but it also happens to discuss other topics from time to time) Insulting Jordan as a nation, people, identity and culture is also something I consider personally offensive and is not allowed on my blog. Moreover, sexual content as well as slander or character defamation is also prohibited.

2- I will delete or edit a comment based on the request of its author.

3- I will delete or edit a comment that contains inappropriate profanity.

4- I will delete spam.

5- I have a general distaste for anyone using more than one screen name in an attempt to mislead other readers. It is insulting. If you partake in such an exercise, do not be surprised if I reveal the attempt.

6- If your comment does not appear then it is probably in my moderation queue because my wordpress configuration has identified it as spam. If it’s not, I will approve it as soon as possible. If your comment has not yet appeared then contact me at tarawnah[at]gmail.com

7- While I cannot possibly monitor all the external links people might insert in their comments, I will however exercise a degree of social responsibility and check the links to make sure they do not contain offensive materials.

I will issue warnings about violations to these policies as I see fit but suffice to say if your comment gets deleted automatically then you should’ve done as the warning under the comment box suggests: read the commenting policy first!

Finally, I am not  responsible for opinions expressed in any of the comments. I do not necessarily adhere to any arguments or viewpoints made. If people misunderstand my post or the meaning behind any of my words, well, I really can’t be responsible for the wandering habits of the human mind!

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Creative Commons 2.5 License.