Thursday, May 2, 2013
Upgrade Samsung Galaxy R GT I9103 to 4 0 ICS
Looking upgrade to 4.0, Samsung Galaxy Series R GT-19103 default with Android 2.3.6. Many user waited for ICS on it, so now you can easily update your device to better technology easily. There are some critical issues that you have to be experience during process. Just proceed next after completion of previous procedure.
Every one knows about the benefits of Android can not only access plenty of compatible apps, but also install many other software relates to that technology.
Steps To Update Samsung Galaxy R to ICS
Gt-19103 was originally built in Poland or some other Austria counties. After receiving Ice cream sandwich update by its originator, than all user go for their vendors for updating devices. Don’t worry if you haven’t much time or money, you can do it Now just end of my post.
Requirement for Start Process
First arrange all essentials things before the process start. You require Odin V3 and Android USB driver for start installation procedure automatically. Both the software install first in your Mac or PC.
Things not to Forget
For safety of your contacts and important details, first get backup in your PC or Flash drive. This is important because anything could be occurred during the process.
Some people think, that all essential files already installed on their internal device, but if you start procedure with internal CD card than all data will be removed after the process.
Make sure you Mobile battery is up to 70% and write down of your APN settings.
Just make sure your default flashing with Odin and original stock firmware, you could be trouble is you didnt official firmware. If your device originate from Poland than install this ROM (Link) if not click on this.
After installation stocks Rom just unzip the file for any extractor, I will prefer only win-zip for this.
Click on Odin software (that you already installed in your System), do not check anything, just let automatically locate, if it didnt found file than click on PDA spot and lead that folder where you installed ROM file.
Press volume/home/power key simultaneously for installation of Android ICS on it.
After this you have only two options left;
• Press Volume Up_ for Process Continues
• Press Volume Down_ Cancellation the process
After this, connect Galaxy R to system via compatible USB cable. Now you just Press the Button Start on Odin and let the process on its track. You need just wait for discovering new features in your Samsung Galaxy.
After this just recover you data from your PC, and make sure about your APN setting for connection properly.